
"P" People if the Bible

A Man Called Pharaoh

Aug. 8, 2021 - Romans 9

"P" People if the Bible

A Woman Called Persis

Aug. 1, 2021 - Romans 16:1-16

You Know the Time

Sep. 6, 2020 - Romans 12 -13:14

Life Assurance

Aug. 1, 2019 - Romans 8

Belgic Confession

Belgic Confession: It Wasn’t The Russians

Oct. 5, 2018 - Romans 13

Belgic Confession

Justified through Faith

Jul. 26, 2018 - Romans 3

Guest Preacher

Baptized Into Christ

Jul. 5, 2018 - Romans 6:1-4

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Little Farms Chapel OPC, 2518 Arthur Street, Coopersville, MI 49404

616.677.6170 |