
"M" people of the Bible

A Man Called Noah (Part 2)

Aug. 8, 2019 - Genesis 6

"M" people of the Bible

A Prophet Called Micah (part 5)

Sep. 13, 2018 - Micah 6-7

"M" people of the Bible

A Prophet Calle Micah (Part 4)

Aug. 29, 2018 - Micah 5

"M" people of the Bible

A Prophet Called Micah (part 3)

Aug. 16, 2018 - Micah 4

"M" people of the Bible

A Prophet Called Micah (Part 2)

Aug. 9, 2018 - Micah 3

"M" people of the Bible

A Prophet Called Micah

Aug. 2, 2018 - Micah 1

"M" people of the Bible

A Boy Named Maheri-shalel-hash-baz

Jul. 26, 2018 - Isaiah 7-8

"M" people of the Bible

“M” People: Melchizedek

Jul. 12, 2018 - Hebrews 7

"M" people of the Bible

A Servant Called Malcus

Jun. 28, 2018 - John 18

"M" people of the Bible

A Father Names Manoah

Jun. 21, 2018 - Judges 13

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Little Farms Chapel OPC, 2518 Arthur Street, Coopersville, MI 49404

616.677.6170 |